

Vanilla Shadowrun™ rules are complicated. Not knowing whether the game is sufficiently balanced, I doubt the amount of complexity is needed for the game to be enjoyable. 6th Edition was supposed to simplify the rules, but was rushed and arrived broken beyond repair. On my search for a simpler version, I discovered Shadowrun Anarchy. Establishing its own, far simpler, rule set, Shadowrun Anarchy also draws lots of parallels to 5th Edition.

This project establishes the homebrew rules for my game sessions. The rules are loosely based on Shadowrun Anarchy and subject to change. There is neither fluff nor lore here, just mechanics; everything else is found in the official books.

Turns and Narrations

Each Turn, every player has a chance to play out and describe their character's actions, along with other elements of the story going on around them. These descriptions are called Narrations, and as the game progresses these Narrations build on each other and form the story of the game. [SRA]

The Turn Order is situation dependent and may be adjusted by spending Plot Points. If push comes to shove, compare characters A + E Attributes to determine who goes first.


6-sided dice are used to determine the outcome of certain actions. A pool of dice is rolled and Hits are compared against a threshold stated in parenthesis or determined by the GM. Tests against other characters are rolled as an opposed test, where the opposition sets the threshold for the actor. To speed things up, the GM may use a fixed threshold instead of rolling for the opposition.

Difficulty Opposed Dice Threshold
Very Easy 4 dice 1
Easy 6 dice 2
Average 8 dice 3
Hard 12 dice 4
Extreme 18 dice 6

Repeating Tests

Most Tests can be repeated for an accumulative -2 modifier.

Extended Tests

Some Tests take far longer than a moment and therefore require the character to invest time. An Extended Test accumulates Hits over multiple rolls to meet a given (high) threshold. Extended Tests cannot last forever; at some point, characters reach the limit of their abilities. Each roll beyond the first suffers an accumulative -1 modifier. When they run out of dice before meeting the threshold, the Test either fails or needs to be continued at a later point. A fixed time interval is spent along with each roll. [SR5]

Glitches during an Extended Test nullify all Hits of the current roll. A Critical Glitch can only occur on the first roll, in which case the task fails spectacularly.

Teamwork Tests

Outside combat, characters can work together to overcame various obstacles. A Teamwork Test is done by selecting a leader who will do the majority of the work. Other characters assist by rolling a corresponding Test. Each Hit scored by the helpers grants a bonus die to the leader's dice pool. The number of bonus dice is limited by the leader's Skill (or higher Attribute).


All divisions are round down unless stated otherwise.

Plot Points

Plot Points are tokens that can be redeemed for special effects. Both, players and the GM, have the ability to spend Plot Points. When a Plot Point is spent, the spender hands the token to the opposition.

Examples for special effects players can spend Plot Points on:

Character Stats


S Strength Physical strength and constitution
A Agility Core combat Attribute
L Logic Core technology Attribute
W Willpower Core magic Attribute
C Charisma Core social Attribute

E Edge

Edge is a special Attribute that represents a character's luck. Characters start each day with a number of Edge Points equal to their E. They can spend an Edge Point in one the following ways to augment a roll.


Essence determines how natural your character is. Essence starts at 6 for all characters and is reduce by certain unnatural Amps like Cyberware. For every full point of Essence lost, an accumulative -1 modifier is added to magic- and healing-related Tests.


This list is not exhaustive. New Skills can be added on the fly as the GM sees fit.

Most Skills can be used even when a character has not invested a single point into them. Such untrained Tests simply roll the associated Attribute.

Perception is not a Skill, roll L + W for a Perception Test. (L + W) / 3 can be used for passive Perception.

A character can specialize in certain aspects of a (trained) Skill (e.g. Pistols of the Firearms Skill). A specialization grants a +2 modifier to associated Tests.


Qualities are additional character traits that come in positive and negative forms. Characters typically start out with 2 positive and 1 negative Quality.


Every more-human-than-human improvement to your character is handled as an Amp. Ranging from cybernetic implants (Cyberware) to Spells, to Cyberdecks, etc.


Health is represented by Condition Monitors, which come in two forms, Physical and Stun. Each Condition Monitor consists of a number of boxes (🄿 / 🅂). When you take damage, you cross out the corresponding number of 🄿 or 🅂 boxes.

Characters can be healed using appropriate equipment in combination with a Biotech (2) Test, and/or with magic.


Armor reduces Physical and Stun damage. Each armor box 🄰 can consumes 1 point of damage. Physical damage destroys armor in the process — Stun damage does not.

Armor Plates are what makes armor consume damage. Armor Plates can be replaced to restore damaged armor.

Device Rating

Devices and gear commonly feature a Device Rating indicating its level of quality. The Device Rating is used as threshold and Attribute(s) for Tests.



A character can take either 2 Simple Actions or 1 Complex Action, in addition to their Bonus Action. A general limit of one attack action per Turn is imposed. Though, certain Amps allow you to exceed this limit.

Characters can freely move 5 meters, spend a Simple Action to move 10 meters, or spend a Complex Action to sprint 20+ meters. Sprint entails an Athletics check where each Hit grants you 1 additional meter of movement.

Attack & Defense

A + Skill vs. A + L

Firing Modes

Some weapons come with additional firing modes that augment your attack.


L + Hacking vs. L + Firewall


Vehicle / Drone Combat




Guns, Lots of Guns

This section establishes the base values for most gear. Specific items and modifications are added over time.


Range modifiers are state as loose categories from melee range to far. A – means that the weapon cannot be used at this range.

Close Combat
Knives P S / 2 + 1 0/–/–/–/–
Clubs P S / 2 + 2 0/–/–/–/–
Swords P S / 2 + 3 0/–/–/–/–
Projectile Weapons
Throwing Weapons P S / 2 + 1 0/-3/-3/–/–
Grenades P 12 0/0/-3/–/–
Stun Grenades S 10 0/0/-3/–/–
Tasers S 5 0/-4/–/–/–
Light Pistols P 5 0/0/-2/–/–
Heavy Pistols P 6 0/0/-2/–/–
Machine Pistols P 6 0/0/-4/–/–
Shotguns P 9 -3/0/-3/–/–
Submachine Guns P 6 -2/0/0/–/–
Assault Rifles P 8 -4/0/0/-2/–
Sniper Rifles P 9 -4/-2/0/0/0
Heavy Weapons
Machine Guns P 8 -6/0/0/0/0
Launcher P 12 –/-3/0/0/–

Weapon Mods


Armor Clothing 🄰 6 +1 Defense, +1 Initiative
Actioneer Business Clothes 🄰 6 +1 Social Tests
Armor Vest 🄰 9
Armor Jacket 🄰 12 -1 Defense, -1 Initiative


Positive Qualities

Negative Qualities


While Shadowrun Anarchy serves as the base for this variation, 5th Edition Core Books still provide a lot of interesting content. Mechanics and gear can be adapted to work with this version. 6th Edition Core Books provide even more content. However, their mechanics might better be ignored.

Source Books describe various aspects of the world; Plot Books tell the story of Shadowrun. Adventures & Missions provide resources for running the game. The Gear section gives you even more equipment beyond what's in the Core Books.

Core Books
Shadowrun Anarchy Alternate Shadowrun rule set. Sometimes referred to as the rules-lite version.
Shadowrun 5e 5e Rulebook. Includes a good selection of qualities, spells, and gear.
Run Faster 5e Player Handbook. Provides additional metatypes, qualities, etc. Also includes construction kits.
Run & Gun 5e Combat Rulebook. This book also serves as Arsenal.
Data Trails 5e Matrix Handbook
Rigger 5.0 5e Rigger Handbook. Includes various modifications for drones and vehicles.
Chrome Flesh 5e Augmentation Handbook. Contains a selection of qualities, cyberware, bioware, and more.
Street Grimoire 5e Magic Rulebook. Provides even more spells, and spirits.
Shadowrun 6e 6e Rulebook
Firing Squad 6e Combat Rulebook
Double Clutch 6e Rigger Rulebook
Street Wyrd 6e Magic Rulebook
Source Books
Power Plays 6e Corporations
Collapsing Now 6e Provides Information on Organizations and Runners
Better Than Bad 5e Deep Shadows Sourcebook
Hard Targets 5e Deep Shadows Sourcebook
Cutting Aces 5e Guide to Con Artistry
The Complete Trog 5e Orks and Trolls
The Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia 6e Collection of Sixth World Knowledge
No Future 6e Culture
Attitude 4e Culture
Seattle 2072 4e Definitive Seattle
Howling Shadows 5e Critter Handbook
Parazoology 4e Critter Supplement
Parazoology 2 4e Critter Supplement
Parabotany 4e Flora
Parageology 4e Magic Supplement
Plot Books
Cutting Black 2080 — Backstory for 30 Nights
Adventures & Missions
Free Seattle 2080 — Introductory adventure
30 Nights 2080 — A month long citywide blackout hits Toronto
Assassins Night 2080 — Detective work in Barcelona
The Third Parallel 2080 — Denver campaign
Arsenal (+Errata) 4e Gear Rulebook
Gun Heaven 4e Weapon Supplement
Gun Heaven 2 4e Weapon Supplement
Gun Heaven 3 5e Weapon Supplement
Krime Katalog 6e Weapons / Vehicles Supplement
Used Car Lot 4e Groundcraft Supplement
Deadly Waves 4e Watercraft Supplement
Unfriendly Skies 4e Aircraft Supplement
Mil Spec Tech 4e Ground- / Aircraft Supplement
Mil Spec Tech 2 4e Ground- / Aircraft Supplement